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Conservation Commission Agenda 5/20/10
        Becket Conservation Commission
6:30 PM Becket Town Hall
May 20, 2010

1.      Approval of the April 15, 2010 minutes

2.      Continued Notice of Intent John Amato  Becket Woods Road and Maintenance
        District  Beech Tree lane  Map 407  Installation of a culvert

3.      Continued Notice of Intent John Amato  Becket Woods Road and Maintenance
        District  Access Road/Farmstead Road  Map 407 lot 8  Replacement of a culvert

4.      Review of restoration plan for 96 King Richard  Road  Map 217 lots 220-224

5.      Request for Determination of Applicability Stuart and June Feigenblatt 34
        Sitting Bull Map 218 lot 56  Construction of a garage

6.      Update on Enforcement Order for Beech Tree Lane  Map 407 lot 140—issued to Becket Woods Road and Maintenance District and Scott Miller

7.      Ratification of Enforcement Orders

8.      Administrative Business
                a.  Letter to Peter Wallach, Becket Highlands, Inc
                b.  Other